Monday, June 15, 2009

We Made it!!!

Well I guess we can't officially be called Newly Weds any more but we are going to go with it as I really don't want to change the name of our Blog. Kim and I just celebrated one year of Pure Marital Bliss. I don't know what other couples are talking about but our first year of marriage was flawless. We didn't have any fights. Kim never cries for no reason, Ernie is completely understanding of everything and helps out with the cleaning, and does all the laundry. This stuff is a breeze!!!


Well Like every couple our first year was fun and interesting but one this is for sure. Kim and I are still very much in love and our love continues to grow daily as we continue to walk this journey together. I for one am not perfect (this I know) but I am thankful that God Blessed me with perfection in Kim.

We just got back from celebrating our 1 year anniversary in New York City and Here are some picts and Videos to prove it. Thanks for all your support and every year is going to be just like the first... Full of Perfect Love!